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Temple of Shakti: The Mentorship Program
Sacred Space & Self Care Rituals
Cultivating a Container for Ritual (133:59)
Coming Alive to the Beauty Way (263:47)
Sacred Cycles & Enlightened Sensuality
Lunation for Lunar Beings-Working with the Cycles (335:06)
Claiming our Birthright of Transformation through Pleasure (330:48)
Shadow Dancing & Unbridled Radiance
Untangling the Knots from the Womb and the Heart (250:26)
Light of the Muse/Express your Essence (395:28)
Shakti: Faces of the Goddess
The Wrathful Faces of Shakti (320:49)
The Sublime Faces of Shakti (176:37)
Shiva: The Inner God
Healing with the Masculine (125:44)
The Cosmic Consort (299:25)
Dharma: Your Divine Service
Unveiling Your Dharma (308:06)
Sharing Your Gifts with the World (302:54)
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The Cosmic Consort
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